Are You Willing to Sprint When the Distance is Unknown? The Truth About Building an Online Business

Learn how to use social media to make $5K per month with tiny digital products

Starting an online business is a journey filled with uncertainty. One of the most powerful questions I recently came across is, “Are you willing to sprint when the distance is unknown?” This thought-provoking question, shared by a Georgia Tech strength and conditioning coach, perfectly sums up the mindset needed to succeed in building a business. In this blog post, I’ll explore how this quote applies to entrepreneurship, why many people give up too soon, and what it really takes to make it in the world of online business.

Sprinting Toward Success: Why the Distance is Always Unknown

When people ask me, “How long will it take to make my first $100 or $1,000 online?” I often find that these are the same people who may not be ready for the long journey ahead. The truth is, no one can tell you how long it will take to achieve success in your online business. Success in business is much like playing a sport—you put in the work, you follow the strategy, but no one can predict exactly when you’ll cross the finish line.

Why Entrepreneurs Need to Embrace Uncertainty

Building an online business is akin to sprinting when you don’t know how long the race is. Unlike a regular job, where you know what your paycheck will be and when it’s coming, running a business doesn’t come with such guarantees. You might make your first dollar in days, or it could take months—or even years—before you see significant results.

But here’s the key: the uncertainty is what separates those who succeed from those who quit. If you’re constantly asking when you’ll make your first big payday, it may indicate that you’re focused on the wrong goal. Instead of asking when you’ll hit your income milestones, ask yourself, “Am I willing to put in the work every single day without knowing when success will come?”

My Journey: From $0 to $0.67—The Importance of Persistence

When I started my online business, I had no idea when—or if—I’d ever make money. I launched a blog about security cameras, and I wrote every single day. It wasn’t glamorous, and it wasn’t easy, but after some time, I earned my first $0.67. It may seem like a small amount, but that moment was exhilarating because it showed me that my efforts were paying off.

The key to that success? I kept sprinting, even though I didn’t know how far I had to go. I didn’t stop after my first post, or my 10th, or my 50th. The lesson here is that success may not come quickly, but it will come if you stay committed to your path.

Are You Willing to Sprint Without Knowing the Finish Line?

Building an online business isn’t for everyone. Some people need the security of a guaranteed income, and that’s okay. But for those willing to sprint without knowing how long the race is, the rewards can be immense.

Here’s a question for you: Are you willing to show up every single day for your business, even if you don’t know when success will come? If the answer is yes, you have what it takes to thrive as an entrepreneur.

The Myron Golden Example: Patience and Perseverance

Take a look at Myron Golden, an entrepreneur who worked on his business for 14 years before he saw the success he desired. Could you continue running your business for 14 years without giving up, even if the success you hoped for was still years away?

That’s the challenge of entrepreneurship. It’s not just about having the right strategy or tools—it’s about having the mindset to keep going, even when you don’t see immediate results.

Final Thoughts: Is Entrepreneurship Right for You?

At the end of the day, building an online business requires dedication, resilience, and the ability to embrace uncertainty. If you’re focused solely on how fast you can reach your financial goals, you may find yourself giving up too soon.

But if you’re willing to sprint when the distance is unknown, if you can commit to the daily grind of showing up for your business without knowing exactly when success will arrive, then entrepreneurship might just be your path to freedom.