How Daniel Illes Makes $45,583 MRR with His Skool Community

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In this video, I will reveal how Daniel has added 45, 583 in monthly recurring revenue to his Skool community. It’s a simple five-step process that you can see in every single niche once you see it. You’ll notice that all of these people follow the straightforward process, and I will reveal how he does it and how you can do it and implement it in your business.

Now, if you need help starting your Skool community, I’ll work with you one-on-one and give you a two-week free trial. So, if you click the first link in the description, you will get a two-week free trial where you can start your Skool community. And if you use my affiliate link, I’ll work with you one-on-one to offer tips, tricks, and tactics to launch and scale your Skool community.

Without further ado, let’s see how Daniel has made 45, 583 in monthly recurring revenue. Now, the first thing you must do is pick a niche. A niche is just an area where you will focus and create content. It would be best to stay within this niche because you want people to know you. For this one thing in the beginning, when launching your school community or your presence online, don’t go wide.

Okay, go narrow and go deep and focus on one thing: focus on a skill that you have, something that people always ask you questions about what you’re known for. That’s where you want to start. And for Daniel here, he. It helps coaches, course creators, consultants, and small business owners get more views on their social media.

He focuses primarily on tick-tock YouTube shorts and Instagram reels. He shows people how to go viral with short-format video content, pick one niche, and stick to it. As you can see here, his channel’s name is Viral Coach. And if you look, this is what he does. He helps people get more eyeballs, and eyeballs usually mean money.

His unique selling proposition is that he helps people get more views without having to dance or rely on trends. This is very important. So, have your niche and then a unique selling proposition. The next thing that you want to do is go out and get attention. Okay, there are two types of French, and there are two types of attention.

There’s free attention and paid attention. Free attention is good because it only costs you your time. Paid attention is good because you can get information, data, and even money back sooner. Now, what I would recommend that you do is pick one of these and go all in.

Okay. If you want to master YouTube, that’s great, but you need one of these to be wildly successful online. Let me give you a few examples. Daniel here is on Instagram. He has 143,000 followers, and we’ll talk about the types of content he creates in just a moment. He is also on YouTube, with 833,000 subscribers.

Again, we’ll discuss the types of content he creates in just a moment. And then, here on TikTok, he has 1. 3 million followers. We’ll discuss the content, and then he’s got this website as well. But what I would recommend for you is to pick one. If you’re going to be on Instagram, learn and master Instagram so that you can be an expert in your space.

Okay, but once you have your niche, you will get eyeballs or attention on you to figure out where you will go. Now, you’ve got to remember there are 4 billion people on the internet. There are a billion people on YouTube, a billion on Instagram, a billion on Facebook, and a billion on Twitter and TikTok.

Some of these overlap, but for the most part, people like to go where they feel most comfortable. Just pick one. Okay, go where you feel most comfortable, and that’s where you’re going to create content. The next step, you guessed it, is to actually create content. Now, there are different types of content depending on where you’re going to show up.

If you’re going to do YouTube, you’ll probably want to do SEO. If you’re going to be on Instagram, you’re going to want to understand the algorithm and what the consumer wants. One thing with tick-tock, which is really interesting, is that tick-tock people have a lower awareness of the solution.

So, basically, what that means is that most people on TikTok are not going to TikTok because they have a problem. They usually will go to YouTube. However, you can turn those people who recognize that they have a problem into converts and make money. These are what’s called top-of-funnel people.

Usually, people on YouTube are at the bottom. But let’s talk about the types of content that he’s creating. He’s creating SEO content on YouTube. So look at this. Okay. How I exited my company’s five best side hustles, 2023. This is a keyword that people are searching for the best side hustles if we look at work-from-home hustles.

That’s a keyword people are searching for. You can come up to the search bar, type in like work from, and see these different keywords people are asking for. Work from home. It changes a bit, but you can see here that he is on YouTube because he understands that people are asking questions and have different needs based on the platform.

But you can see three side hustles to make 500 per day. I found the strangest money online hacks and the most significant money scams. These are all keywords that people are searching for. If we look on Instagram, he’s doing more lifestyle stuff. This is a lifestyle photo. He’s doing results, as you can see here, showing proof that he knows what he’s talking about.

And then he talks about how I gained 700 followers in under an hour. He is basically talking about the process, and again, what’s really interesting with Instagram is that I gained 700 followers. People want to get more followers, and so people who want more followers will really resonate with this video.

Why do surgeons get paid millions? People who want to get paid millions. I stopped making content. People who want to grow are going to be intrigued that it says stop making content. So we look. It’s basically over on TikTok. It’s the same thing. If we look through here, Disney’s playing 4D chess.

What’s really interesting is that he’s taking something that a lot of people know and then maybe giving them some information that they don’t know. He’s got a little bit of lifestyle here where he shows his shirt. He’s got a shirt off again, stopping making content. And he’s repurposing a lot of this stuff on multiple platforms.

But that is the content. Now, if you notice, the content on YouTube is very different from the content on Instagratick-tockock. He’s also doing a little personal branding, which is significant for internet marketing and making money online. The final step is simply his funnel.

Now, what he’s doing, and you can see here, I’ve got a few different options. You can create content and send it right to a paid Skool community. You can create content and send it to a landing page. You can create content and send it from a free to a paid school. But if we look and see what he’s doing, we scroll up here.

He’s sending people directly over to his paid Skool community, and this can work. Depending on your following, you can see here that this was working for him. If we look at his YouTube channel, we scroll up. He’s got a few links here, and he is sending them. This is probably a landing page. This might actually redirect to Skool as well, But this is a landing page.

Do you want to go viral and get 1 million views, or do youn’t pay? Is this a landing page, or is it directly? Yep, it’s a landing page to collect names and emails. If we look at this, he’s doing content for Skool and content for a landing page. If we look at his TikTok account, he’s sending people to the Skool community.

Okay, this isn’t a redirect; it’s directly over to Skool. But it’s as simple as that. Now, I said it’s a five-step process, but you can do it in four as long as you have your niche dialed in and understand your attention and content. You can do it in four steps, but this is how anybody who is successful online is doing it.

And you can do this too. Now, I’m not guaranteeing you or saying you’ll make 45, 000 every month. What I am telling you is that this process works. It’s a straightforward, basic process. And anybody who’s making money is doing this four-step process. And if you want to get started, I’ll help you.

Click the link. In the description, get your 14-day or two-week free trial. Once you get started, I’ll meet with you one-on-one to help grow your business. Let me know what you think in the comment section. Be sure to like, comment, follow, subscribe, share this video, and watch the next one because this one and the next one will help you out as well.