How to Find Time to Create Content for Your Online Business: 15 Proven Tips

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How to Find Time to Create Content for Your Online Business

One of the most common questions I get when working with clients and students is, “How do I find time to create content?” Many people who want to start an online business are interested and excited, but they struggle to fit content creation into their busy schedules. In this blog post, I’ll share 15 practical ways to find time in your day to create content, especially for short-form platforms like YouTube Shorts, TikTok, Instagram Reels, and Facebook Reels.

Making Time for What Matters

First things first—I firmly believe that we make time for the things we truly want. If you’re serious about starting an online business, you will find a way to make it happen. For me, I had to give up video games to carve out time to work on my business. You might not need to do the same, but you will need to make space for something new by letting go of something old.

Below are 15 simple strategies you can use today to make time for content creation. Pick one or two that resonate with you, and see how they can fit into your life.

1. Use Your 15-Minute Breaks

Instead of using your work breaks to scroll through social media or chat, use those 15-minute breaks to create content. You can film a quick TikTok or YouTube Short and save it in your drafts for later. This is a great way to utilize time that would otherwise be wasted.

2. Use Your Lunch Break

If you get an hour for lunch, spend the first 30 minutes eating and the next 30 minutes working on content. You can outline ideas, record a short video, or brainstorm future posts. Even if you only get a 30-minute break, you can still use part of that time to create something valuable.

3. Create Content During Kids’ Practice

If you have kids in sports or extracurricular activities, use their practice time to create content. Instead of sitting in your car scrolling aimlessly, create a video or two. Practices usually last an hour or more, giving you ample time to be productive.

4. Household Chores as Content Opportunities

Doing household chores like folding laundry or washing dishes? Use this time to create content. It might sound silly, but folding clothes can actually work as a subtle hook for your audience while delivering your message.

5. Create Content in Rush Hour Traffic

While I’m not suggesting you create content while driving, if you’re stuck in traffic, it could be a good opportunity to use voice-to-text to outline ideas or record a quick audio note for later. If you’re in a complete standstill, you could even film a short video.

6. Utilize Commercial Breaks

If you’re watching TV, make use of commercial breaks. Mute the TV and record a quick video. You’ll still have plenty of time to watch your show, but you’ll also have used your time to create something productive.

7. During Live Sports

Watching live sports can provide several opportunities to create content. Between the pregame, halftime, and commercial breaks, you’ll find lots of moments to film a quick video. Remember, every touchdown, timeout, or change of possession offers a window of time.

8. Batch Create Your Content

Batching content can save you a lot of time. On Fridays, I write out my hooks. On Saturdays, I record 30 videos in an hour or so, and on Sundays, I edit them. With batch creation, I have two weeks’ worth of content ready to go.

9. Wake Up 30 Minutes Earlier

If you can manage it, waking up just 30 minutes earlier can give you enough time to record one or two videos. This extra time can make a huge difference in staying consistent with your content creation.

10. Go to Bed 30 Minutes Later

Similarly, going to bed just 30 minutes later can provide you with some extra time to create content. Instead of using that time to watch more TikToks or YouTube videos, use it to work on your own content.

11. Parent Pickup and Drop-off

If you drop off or pick up your kids from school, this is a great time to create content. You’re already in the car with time to spare, and it’s a perfect setting with good natural lighting for filming.

12. While on a Walk

If you take long walks, use this time to film videos. Walking gives the impression that you’re in a rush, which can help hold viewers’ attention. Plus, TikTok loves videos with movement, making this a great strategy for engagement.

13. Fast Food Drive-Thru Lines

Waiting in line at a drive-thru is another great opportunity to create content. While waiting for your order, take those few minutes to record a short video. It’s a great way to make the most of time you’d otherwise spend waiting.

14. The 5:1 Rule for Consuming vs. Creating Content

For every five pieces of content you consume, create one piece of your own. This simple rule helps you stay productive and ensures that you’re creating more than you’re consuming.

15. React to Existing Content in Your Niche

A great way to quickly generate content is to react to videos that are already popular in your niche. Find videos that have performed well, and add your own insights and commentary. This is a fantastic way to “ride the wave” of existing trends and get attention for your channel.

Tips for Creating Content Outlines

If you don’t know where to start, consider these strategies:

  • Use Type in a keyword related to your niche to see what questions people are asking.
  • Leverage AI Tools: Use AI like ChatGPT to generate a list of keywords your target audience is searching for.
  • Address Audience Pain Points: Focus on your audience’s pain points, dreams, desires, and things they are thinking but afraid to say out loud.

Final Thoughts

These 15 tips can help you find the time to create valuable content for your online business. You don’t have to do them all—just pick one or two that resonate with you and make them a habit. Over time, you’ll be amazed at the difference they make.

Which of these strategies will you use to create more content? Let me know in the comments below!