Kevin David Affiliate Program Plus 10 Ways To Make Money

Kevin David is among the notable FBA Amazon affiliate marketers who are open about his approach to affiliate marketing on Amazon. Before joining Amazon, he had a well-paying job. Still, he realized that affiliate marketing gave him more freedom than his career, which made him resign and focus so much of his time on his affiliate program. Here is a well-researched and honest review of the Kevin David affiliate program, plus 10 ways to make Money using his tactics; read on to learn more.

The Kevin David Affiliate Program

If you want to become an affiliate with the Kevin David affiliate program, you start by choosing the programs that meet your needs. Some notable programs include the Kevin David Shopify Affiliate Program, Kevin David Facebook Ads Affiliate Program, and Kevin David Amazon FBA Affiliate Program. If you are a professional affiliate marketer, you can choose one of his programs or go for all. Generally, these programs target people who want to venture into some online business, which can even work for people who already have established online businesses.

How Much Do They Pay

All his affiliate programs offer a commission of 41-50%, which will vary from product to product, but you will mostly be paid 50% or just under. Kevin David’s webinars convert well, and he has spent over $1,000,000 in commission to affiliates since he launched his programs. Tipalti processes his payments, a third-party payment processor that makes instant payments through Wire Transfer, Check, and PayPal.

You will get bonuses and the content in the training materials, as each master class has a bonus. For instance, the Facebook Ads master class offers a mini-course bonus where you learn how to use Facebook Ads to generate more income. When you adequately apply for the material course, you will probably earn more from Kevin David’s training.

Kevin David claims that his affiliate products are effective as they give results, which makes them high-ticket affiliate marketing. The prices are on the higher ticket direction, the cheapest costs $497 and some costs $1000. You will only receive your commission when someone buys his products. You can notice that you will get a lot of Money when you sell a few products, but the conversion rates might be slow to the product pricing. However, Kevin maintains that despite the pricing of the products, it is possible to attain them as he has paid over $1,000,000, and an affiliate marketer should put themselves out in the market to achieve their target and earn from the prestigious program.

Where to Sign Up

Anyone can sign up for the Kevin David course, which is open to everyone worldwide. Visit his official page to sign up for the training and affiliate marketing.

How It Works

Kevin David offers Ninja Masterclasses in 4 different fields designed with the same format and structure. Each class uses large video training libraries, private Facebook groups, weekly webinars, and one-on-one with Kevin David. Moreover, you will receive additional bonuses during these classes and earn generously when you sell your products.

The library’s Kevin David video training has over 100 training videos organized in succinct training modules. Moreover, the Facebook groups and live webinars allow you direct access to Kevin David, as he believes in updated knowledge. He understands that e-commerce knowledge changes within a short time and that anything a person knows at the moment might go obsolete within a short time. Each course has a private Facebook group where students share knowledge, experience, success, and strategies that work. Kevin is usually active in these groups, acts as a moderator, and, together with other successful students, will provide information that keeps the learners in the right direction.

The Top-Selling Categories You Can Promote

Kevin David Shopify Affiliate Program

The Shopify program allows users to use drop-shipping, online business, Shopify, and e-commerce. The target audience who can engage in this affiliate program includes people who are already interested in drop-shipping but want to increase their sales. Search for terms such as ‘Shopify no sales’ on YouTube or Google to reach the target audience.

Facebook Ads Affiliate Program

If you are interested in SMMA (social media marketing agency) or any other online business, this affiliate program might benefit you. The targeting is a bit general, making it easier to get possible clients and quickly sell your products on the platform. It can help if you target available online business opportunities and present them with a course as a solution. The Kevin David course can be resourceful for these online ventures, and while you sell them the training materials, you get a commission for each successful course sold.

Amazon FBA Masterclass

Your target audience should be interested in Amazon FBA and other online businesses. Although Amazon FBA is advanced, you can get clients by finding people already interested in Amazon FBA. You can target Amazon FBA clients, getting fewer sales than they want, and ask them to buy your products. The Kevin David course might be the resource they need to make sales, as they will learn from an expert In FBA.

10 Ways to Make Money with the Kevin David Affiliate Program

Create a website for your niche.

You will need a website to blog for the Kevin David affiliate niche, and you can choose among the tones of hosting brands. Describing your products and services on the blog effectively is wise, as it helps you reach potential clients. Your blog should be professionally looking to attract potential customers; moreover, when you impress the customers, they might buy your products.

Choose your niche

Kevin David offers affiliate products such as the Facebook Ads Affiliate Program, Amazon FBA Masterclass, and Shopify Affiliate Program. You will connect businesses with the courses and products they need to succeed. It is wise to make an informed decision on the products you will display on your site. Moreover, you can test products that sell quickly by selecting a range of products to display on your site and go for the best that sells quickly. A product that goes off the shelves rapidly is better than one that stays long. You can narrow it down to the ones that sell off quickly; specializing in one product is suitable for you as it makes you stand out in the market, but it is wise to have complementary products that increase your sales when your product is not performing as expected. You do not want to stick with products with little turnover on your e-store.

Sell on Amazon

Kevin David emphasizes the importance of selling by Amazon to achieve the desired revenue. You can choose Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), where you will select or find products to sell on Amazon. Amazon does a huge part of product selling, including inventory, shipping, packaging, and customer care needs. You need to be a great market to sell with FBA. However, you can find other FBA marketers who are not making the sales they should make and sell the Kevin David course, which helps them sell their products. Moreover, while marketing with Amazon, you can choose the Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM), which allows you to reach out to a business that sells its products on Amazon and meets Amazon’s massive customer base. You can market their products and receive a commission for the products you sell successfully.

Learn to generate affiliate revenue.

Most affiliate marketers publish random information, insert an affiliate link, and hope to make sales; however, this is not the best approach since your content should reach the target audience. The target audience might be people who want to buy your products but are unsure if they are worth buying. When you craft your content to show the target audience how the products will fulfill their needs, you might get their attention as you let them discover the right products. Your article should intentionally target investigational intent keywords, including audience Google searches about the products they want.

Turn the visitors to your websites into affiliate customers.

Not all the visitors to your website will buy your products, but you can convert the traffic into affiliate customers with a few conversion tips. First, you can create a pop-up campaign that promotes your affiliate products. However, using strategic targeting rules and campaign triggers would be best to show the right message to the target audience. Moreover, you can display campaigns when you suspect customers are likely to buy your products; for instance, you can show the campaign when the visitors want to leave the page.

Optimize the existing traffic for more revenue.

Affiliate marketers tend to apply the belief that 80% of affiliate sales come from 20% of the content. You can prioritize the highest-converting content for your affiliate campaigns. You can note that a single video resonates with the audience and creates a targeted campaign that can increase affiliate sales; this approach is better. You can intentionally create campaigns with the specific video, as it will be a deliberately planned action that is better than unquestioningly creating sales on the page.

Moreover, you can master SEO, which helps you get consistent traffic. You can start by researching keywords and pay attention to competition, volume, and competition. You must create more in-depth and attractive content than the top results to find a high spot in the SEO world. Additionally, the content should be user-friendly on your blog or YouTube timestamps. You should also know when to use the keywords organically in your content and increase the click-through rates.

Use an email list to grow affiliate revenue.

Kevin David endorses email marketing as a tool to grow affiliate revenue and earn passive income. Your email list has people interested in your products and have already engaged with your content, which shows they are already interested in them. They are the ideal target audience for your affiliate marketing campaigns, and the campaigns should have affiliate links embedded in them.

You can start a YouTube channel.

You can create informative content on your channel that catches the clients’ needs. The topics should address the client’s needs. You can touch on the advantages of FBA and reach out to people who have undesirable results from their FBA online business. You can sell Kevin David’s course to these clients to learn how to benefit from the FBA business.

Leverage coupon codes

If your affiliate lets you create coupon codes, you can be credited for the sales if other people use the coupon codes. You can encourage clients who want to buy the course to use coupons, which is a better way of getting discounts and other monetary benefits. You can share the commission with your client, and you should take advantage of these coupons.

Use the Facebook

Kevin David emphasizes Facebook Ads to generate sales. You can choose to undertake the Facebook Ads Affiliate Program. You will benefit from the closed Facebook groups that help students learn how to incorporate Facebook Ads to sell their products. Facebook enables you to connect with clients quickly, and if you choose to advertise on Facebook, your account should appear natural to attract potential clients. You should maintain individuality and originality even when using Facebook advertisements.

The Bottom Line

Kevin David is open about his FBA venture and has helped many students achieve desirable online business results. He offers one-on-one training on online ventures through his courses and affiliate programs. The affiliate programs allow you to make Money by selling your courses and selected products. He seems like a genuine online entrepreneur as he has been open about his ventures; moreover, he had a well-paying job before venturing into FBA, indicating his commitment to online entrepreneurship. You can sign up and check for more details on his website. This affiliate program review, plus ten ways to make Money with the Kevin David affiliate program, might help you decide if his course is for you.