Skool | How He Made $59,073 With His Skool Community | Alston Godbolt

Start a Skool community for FREE


In this video, I’m going to show you how this guy is making over 59, 000 per month with his school community. Now, if you don’t know, school is an online platform. It’s relatively new that allows you to build a community and offer courses and make money. So think about it kind of like a Facebook group.

But better it’s kind of like a Kajabi or one of those online course platforms, but better. And it’s a great way to monetize. If you want to start a free community, you can have a two week free trial. I’ll put the link in the description. And when you get started with my link, I’ll actually send you a workbook on how to monetize your school community step by step.

And I’ll actually. Leave you my email address so that you can ask any questions you’d like off of me, bounce them off of me and we can get going. So, uh, let’s go ahead and talk about how this guy is able to make over 59, 000 per month with his school community. What you’ve got to understand is if you want to be successful online, you have to solve a problem.

And originally his problem was helping people create social media marketing agencies. Okay. And when he helped people start social media marketing agencies, he would use something called go high level in which he was an affiliate for. And so he actually got started with his school, with his school community, simply being an affiliate.

This is his free group. Uh, he started maybe a year or two ago and it has 39, 000 people. And so this is what he did. He went out and solved the problem. He’s got a couple of problems that he’s solving. One, he is showing people and helping people how to start a school community and monetize it. He’s also showing people and telling people how to start a social media marketing agency.

And he is getting eyeballs on him and getting attention with his YouTube channel, his Tik TOK channel, Instagram, and running ads. Now he is using Instagram as his primary driver. If you look at some of his reels, his reels have done incredibly well. Now he’s creating a mixture of. Lifestyle content where he’s showing, Hey, look, this is how I’m able to make a bunch of money and he’s creating content, solving problems more so on his YouTube channel.

Okay. So the first thing that you want to do is you need to create, get attention by solving a problem and you can do it in a variety of places. Now with ads, he’s actually running Facebook ads and he is sending those he’s sending everybody to. A landing page. Now, the landing page is designed to collect names and emails.

And what he’s doing is he’s offering a free webinar. And coincidentally enough, the webinar is actually on YouTube. And so he’s kind of creating kind of like a loop for himself where he’s sending people to a seven hour masterclass. The more they watch that masterclass, the more it lets YouTube know that he’s putting together a good video and YouTube will continue to feed people.

His videos all because he’s doing this right on YouTube. Okay. After the, after he collects the name in the email for email marketing, he is sending people first back to the webinar and he’s sending people to this free group. As you can see here, we’ve got his free group that you can be a member of 39, 000 members.

Okay. And inside of the free group, he is adding additional value and information, and then he is adding in calls to action. You can see this is inside of his group. He is also adding in what’s called a call to action to join his paid group. Now, if we take a look at his paid group, It’s up to 107 per month.

It was at 97 for a long time. And that’s where I got the number of 59, 000 per month. You can see it. It’s increasing or planning to increase on April 1st, but this is all of the additional value that he’s offering. So what he is doing is he’s kind of created a loop for himself and for his audience. He’s creating content.

Um, he created a five hour masterclass and put it on YouTube. Anybody that is interested in learning more about him or about the problem that he solves, he sends them to that free masterclass after collecting their name and their email. And again, he’s making kind of a loop for himself. He’s also inviting those people over to his free community.

And then he is following up with email marketing. So the first email that he sends out goes back to this webinar. The second one. goes over all, all the other ones go out to his paid community and essentially he is doing this on autopilot, uh, with many chat, he has it set up so that people DM him a specific word in Instagram.

It opens up a mini chat and this is automatic. The same goes with the landing page and the email marketing. All of this is done automatically. So what you want to do is you want to set up a landing page and potentially a mini chat. And then you just want to drive traffic or create content so that people that are interested.

And whatever it is that you’re interested in or whatever it is that you’re talking about, we’ll want to go learn more with a landing page. Now he’s using a webinar. You could do a, a planner, a template, a cheat sheet, anything that your target audience would be interested in. But the reason why he’s so successful is he’s created a loop for himself.

Okay. Um, But then he’s offering additional value and he’s actually really, to be honest with you, he’s not really so much offering value. He is built a community. Okay. So if we scroll through and look at his, um, we look at his free, he’s just kind of built a community where people can talk and engage with each other.

And then every so often he comes in and he makes a post talking, sending people back to his content. Once again, this is on YouTube. Um, And then offering, hey, join me to make money. If you do so before April 1st, you’ll get a discount. One of the key things with building a community is you want to have your community talking.

But if we look, you can see that he is not talking as much. He is basically just facilitating it. It is a place for, um, his people to talk and communicate. And then he just swoops in and says, Hey, look, if you want to take the next step, go ahead and join my community. But that is how you can make 59, 000 per month with school.

Now, if you want more help, if you want more assistance, I’ve, I put in the description, a two week free trial that can help you get up and running. Uh, go ahead and take advantage of that free trial so that you can start your group. Thank you. Um, 59, 000 is definitely something that you can scale to. Go ahead and click that first link if you want my assistance.

You can email directly, email me directly and I can help you out. Thanks for watching and we’ll talk soon.